“When I was the person in the centre of the Intention group, I felt held lovingly by intention and presence of the others. I felt treasured and nurtured. Norman, our host, always makes sure that the circle is sacred and safe. He encourages us to share, but at the same time, gives us space to simply be a witness. I love our weekly gathering.”
In a session in December 2023, the session was a SO powerful a session that one participant claimed saw visions that are usually associated with an ayahuasca experience – and this happened withOUT ingesting anything, but only doing deep relaxation, deep breathing and surrendering to the guidance and sensual visualisation!!!
NEXT EVENTS (Online*) on:-
Thank You for Joining on. Looking forward to the next session 🙂
TUE 09-04-24 @ 11am Malta Time (click here for info and to register)
TUE 23-04-24 @ 7PM Malta Time (click here for info and to register)
Please Note that Pre-Registering is ESSENTIAL for the session to be held (events with too few registrants will be cancelled by the Control Group) – please support this event by SHARE-ing this information with ALL your contacts
Power Of Intention (approximately every 2 weeks) [this is an ONLINE event]
Associate and country ambassador of the (Vax) Control Group, Norman regularly delivers sessions on POWER OF INTENTION which can be found here (both as past webinars as well as future sessions).
As we move through the transition, learning to connect to our inner knowing and developing unity consciousness is vital. I am reminded that we are source-created beings, each one powerful, perfect and unique. I am guided in techniques that allow us to honour that in ourselves and others. The journey is a fascinating one as our awareness unfolds – that our potential is only limited by our imagination. Thank you Norman.
Parmjit Nahil
To LEARN more about the power of intention:-
To JOIN the next public session:-
Click on links for respective dates here above, then click on the Zoom Link from the description page
(N.B. Registration is Required)
For those who resonate, private sessions are also available and are being found to be particularly effective for individual issues and growth, expansion, calming-down, dealing with stressful / overwhelming / delicate / personal situations.
Contact Norman personally for further details.
N.B Only serious and genuine people accepted.
Other useful and informative events can be found: https://ffspeakeasy.com/events/
To learn more about other events by Norman, click here:
* In-Person Events available upon genuine interest of a group of people and a place to host (location must have certain pre-requisites: please get in touch for details).
I was a volunteer who received healing in yesterday’s Power of Intention. I hope this message reaches the organizers of that event. I’d volunteered in a couple of Power of Intention sessions, but this was the most dramatic change. I had been dragging around since last Friday, feeling constantly sleepy and physically drained, related to some deep healing work on motherhood issues.
Yesterday I asked for help with the exhausted feeling and/or with clearing the old mother trauma. Afterwards I felt more awake, but I expected the drained feeling to return by the end of the day. It didn’t.
I finished more work that afternoon than I expected and this morning I feel back to normal! I woke up without a strong desire to stay in bed. I’m at my desk now, feeling ready to do a pile of work.
Thank you to Norman Cristina and everyone on that call!