LET IT OUT … TO … LET IT IN: Release To Manifest



L E T   I T   O U T  … T O … L E T   I T   I N :  R e l e a s e   T o   M a n i f e s t 


ATTENTION: The Description AND the Registration Form contain NEW information and details; and a special thank you section…as the workshop evolves so do the requirements…



What would you like to BE FREE from? 

(Remove, release, stop experiencing, etc…)

What WOULD you like to experience in life? 

(Be, do, have, go, meet, etc…) 

What if you could use YOUR own powers (Sound and Intention) to open yourself up to these shifts and changes?  



LET IT OUT … TO … LET IT IN: Release To Manifest

Let Out what does not serve you anymore to Let In what you would like to experience, manifest, be, do and have in your life (and a whole lot more). 

Emotion = Energy in Motion.  Vibration causes motion.  Sound is Vibration. 

Use the innate powers of your own voice coupled with your pure intentions to

– shake off and away the unwanted out of your system (release them with your sound)

and to

+ call-in your desires (invite them in with your sound). 

This is a sounding workshop (not a singing session) but, hey, if we’re enough people we can try a little something – just for fun. 

One little request please: when you invite others, kindly invite them to register if they intend to participate as my preparations intensify closer to the date of a session (healthy food / fasting, meditating…). 

Note: as we move into hotter months, it is being requested to hold the event at earlier (cooler) times; it is advisable to watch / check about the time, going forward.



When I saw Norman’s call to “Let it out… to let it in: Release to Manifest,” I felt compelled to attend. What also captivated me was that the workshop was in a natural setting. 🧘🏼‍♀️🕉️🌱

A voice / sound workshop to help release and manifest. Learn and apply body posture for most effective results when sounding.

Silence is far from empty – it is very full and very rich: learn how to use it to “allow”… Get yourself (and your mind) out of the way to release and manifest.

Sound is way more powerful than most are aware. Silence (and stillness), even more so! … in this workshop we have an opportunity to harness and use the power of silence and stillness to reap the fruits of our own work when sounding.

Feel free to connect with Norman Cristina:



Thank you for joining on SUN 25-02-24, we had so much fun “Oooo…!!” (photos and videos on the WhatsApp group chat)


Oh my goodness!! Sun 28-04-24 was off-the-charts: SO beautiful – thank you ALL … I am humbled by the feedback received and I myself was dazed out till theft morning from the awesome session. How cute, the baby! How loving and caring the participants! It was SO blissful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!





: :  N e x t   G a t h e r i n g s  o n   : :

REGISTER NOW for our next gathering on

SUN 24-11-24 @ 10:30AM – 13:30PM (approximately) [in case of cooler weather, we might start slightly later; whilst in hot weather, earlier]


These sessions are like a SHOWER (we need one every day; in this case, it might not be practical to do daily, but at least monthly…); So, here are the:

Dates for this year (to help you plan in advance – please note that time may change / shift according to the season: it is best to check a few days before):-


SUN 22-12-24


(all details in the registration)




Amongst the long and increasing list of benefits claimed by participants:-


+ vanishing back pains (several participants)…

+ a feeling of “clearing up” of heavy energies…

+ totally forgetting that they came TO the workshop in severe pain (barely able to walk properly; and needing a lift to actually get to the location)

+ an overall feeling of “cleansing” (probably energetically) 

+ improved rapport between parents and children

+ connection with the ancestors 

+ stunning similarity and wording with other energy-healing modalities around the world (with ZERO connection between the workshop givers)

+ several manifestations (see only ONE example here below but there are several more)

+ a feeling of floating (more than as if in water)

+ how would YOU like to feel at the next LET IT OUT … TO … LET IT IN…?


Let Us Know You’re Joining, so that we can prepare to serve you better:-

Register HERE


From sceptical to manifesting a Swiss watch…

Damian Dzengo
The first time I joined Norman’s “Let it out to let it in session” I was very sceptical. I was wondering how a sound therapy where you use your voice could help with healing or even manifestation. I honestly thought it was kind of an “Abra Kadabra” method, where you just have to convince yourself into believing that it works. But I decided to give it a try after some good friends recommended the session.
As I joined Norman’s “Let it out to let it in” session for the first time, I realized the benefits of Norman’s sound therapy instantly. Even though I didn’t intend this to happen during the session when I was progressing with the voice exercise, I suddenly visualized all the goals I created for my vision board one year before. I knew that thanks to Norman’s workshop, I was closer to realization. Just a month after the session, one of the goals I visualized manifested, and I was able to buy a luxury watch from a famous Swiss brand that I put down on my vision board table. I am grateful for Norman’s work and for sure I will attend again, as there are still many things from the vision board that I can obtain faster thanks to Norman’s help. I recommend everyone to join.
Damian Dziengo CEO at Bestsalesboost.com

: : Introduction : : (full description with details of what to bring, how to prepare, location and other details is in the description)

A voice / sound workshop to help release and manifest. Learn and apply body posture for most effective results when sounding.
Silence is far from empty – it is very full and very rich: learn how to use it to “allow”… Get yourself (and your mind) out of the way to release and manifest.
Sound is way more powerful than most are aware. Silence (and stillness), even more so! … in this workshop we have an opportunity to harness and use the power of silence and stillness to reap the fruits of our own work when sounding.
And, of course, we enjoy some playfulness with some simple yet effective musical ideas.
Follow the aftercare suggestions to integrate your experience, and take the most out of your engagement…
N.B. The registration form [required] has ALL details of preparation, location, items to bring etc…)

Let Us Know You’re Joining:-

Register HERE

A Note About Time / Duration: from experience we found that the duration is highly dependent on the energy and unique dynamic of each event and experience. There were times when the sessions were 2 hrs, approximately, and others in which 6hrs flowed without complaint or even realising; it would be recommended to be open to the universe and to life, come with an open heart and purity of intention and allow the energy to work through all of us.